The luminous, prolific and polarizing fashion creator Princess Uche Ibezue, born in Nigeria conveys an embodiment of panache, grandeur, and refinement with a regal point of view in the fashion industry. This bravura beauty has design aesthetics that are deliberated and realized in her styling of both national and international dignitaries, celebrities and pageant queens through her jewelry and clothing apparel. Princess Uche Ibezue is the well-grounded, spiritual soul that is the contemporary couture designer of O’makdesigns, a U.S. based fashion brand. Princess Uche Ibezue’s lifelong determination, ambition, and energy are applied to the label O’makdesigns that was inspired by her mother’s eccentric style of dressmaking and Afro-centric styling influences.

Princess Uche Ibezue credits her mother’s humble innovative & vivid visionary approaches to trend-setting, as the drumbeats to her “passion for fashion”. From the day Uche witnessed her mother using an old tablecloth to create a costumed dress, she became infectiously enthusiastic toward fashion and her creativity ignited – knowing NO bounds. Princess Uche Ibezue began training in fashion at the school of Arts & Design College of Technology specializing in fashion design in Nigeria, upon arriving in the U.S she went ahead to study nursing at the American Institute of Health at Arlington, Virginia and graduated as one of the highly rated students in the school. Her nursing dream did not live too long as she was drawn more to her love for fashion which lead her to continue to expand her knowledge in Western fashion, Princess Uche Ibezue also pursued a continual education in textile management, merchandising, sewing techniques and high fashion design. Thereby, catapulting O’mak Designs originality to another dimension of high fashion with each original inspired garment from beginning-to-end.

This multiple award-winning designer, Princess Uche Ibezue debuted O’makdesigns in the summer of 2010, with the grand opening of the first flagship store at the historic Savage Mill Mall in Savage, Maryland. Her creative O’makdesigns’ has been prominently featured in high fashion runway shows across the globe, from New York – to – London – to Africa. Likewise, she has been in many media publications including, BEN tv London, STAR Magazine, OK! Magazine, the World Best of Baltimore, Howard Magazine, The Diasporan Star, Slantress Magazine, This Day Magazine and countless local, national & international Africa print outlets. In 2017, Uche has designed for celebrities including Mrs. Omorosa for her African theme wedding. Recently, being acknowledged as the first African designer to grace the cover of Howard Magazine. In 2013, Princess Uche Ibezue has been nominated for numerous award nominations, which includes Fashion Awards MD for the Fashion Awards category, was acknowledged by Slantress Magazine Inspire Award as a Fashion Forward designer and was the official designer for the Miss Africa USA 2013 pageant. Princess Uche Ibezue continues to bridge fashion-to-celebrate-to-empower all women regardless of their ethnicity with her timeless and eccentric originality. As a result of the impact she has had in the lives of women across the world, Princess Ibezue received an invitation to the first white house women summit hosted by Michelle Obama in 2016.

Uche is also the founder of African Arts and Fashion week Washington DC. A platform that celebrates African designs and culture. In 2016, as her continued effort to enrich the lives of women Uche founded I AM SHE WOMEN POWER CONFERENCE a platform that focuses on empowering women to evolve into their full purpose. Uche is also the founder of SENIORS ON THE RUNWAY! a senior fashion runway, she organizes yearly in assisted living facilities as a give back to the seniors & aged in the community. Princess Uche is the recipient of the BRIGHT GIRL FOUNDATION AWARD & LEAD WOMEN FOUNDATION AWARD as a leading woman in our society and world -at -large. Uche is a staunch believer that with God, all things are possible!

Notre équipe

Jean Marc

Fondateur et directeur exécutif.

Jean Marc a une vision claire d'une société où chacun peut accéder aux ressources de base et au développement personnel. Il a consacré sa vie à améliorer la vie de ceux qui en ont le plus besoin.

Marie Claude

Directrice de l'éducation

Marie Claude dirige les programmes éducatifs pour les enfants, travaillant avec les enseignants des zones rurales pour garantir que chaque enfant reçoive une éducation de qualité.

Nos Témoignages

“Merci, LAVIPAFINI, d’avoir aidé les enfants de ma région à accéder à l’éducation. Ils font une réelle différence dans leur vie.” — Une mère d’un enfant dans notre programme d’éducation.

” Sans l’aide de l’organisme, je n’aurais pas eu l’opportunité d’apprendre un métier et d’améliorer ma vie. “


"LAVI PA FINI" est une organisation dédiée à apporter soutien et espoir aux personnes les plus vulnérables. Nous travaillons avec ceux qui manquent de ressources, n’ont personne pour les aider et luttent pour trouver une vie meilleure. Grâce à des programmes d’éducation, de loisirs et de développement professionnel, nous fournissons aux gens les outils nécessaires pour améliorer leur vie et construire un avenir plus digne. Notre mission est d'apporter de réels changements dans la vie de ceux qui vivent dans la pauvreté et les difficultés, tout en bâtissant des communautés solidaires et respectueuses.